The Tree

The Tree

The tree
There is a tree. However, the call itself for the tree.
This is no ordinary tree. This is a special timber.
The tree's life began when it was born in a dark part of the forest. Already it was 3 years old was the sign. It was furious. It would have revenge. The hate life. The lightning hit right down the middle. One part of the timber hangs almost horizontally to the second timber now. It is a beautiful sight. Pain, dressing in a tree. Even when the tree look back at this moment can not help but smile hurt. A tree should not have feelings.
If you look at the tree in the present you will find at the bottom of a hole covered with earth. A half-done job, says the other trees. The murderer buried namely only man not good enough that it died instantly.
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If you look at the tree in the present you will mite find a knife. A knife filled with blood. Stung into a man's stomach. The man saved the tree's life, says the other trees. The tree looks though this in another way. It carries dead people as monuments of its past.
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If you look at the tree in the present you will find the top rope. A great work, says the other trees to the tree, almost as if he had something to do with it. The tree think it's a beautiful sight. Now he is one with me, seem tree.
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A man came strolling down the road
4, thought the tree and took the knife.
This is no ordinary tree.
This is a special timber.